
Advisory Services

Pondurance serves as a trusted security adviser so your cybersecurity program focuses on what's most important to you, and you can sleep at night. 

Threat Hunting And Response

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) capabilities have been around for a while, but the term was first defined by Gartner in 2016. Long before MDR was defined by Gartner, we were busy hunting, detecting, and mitigating threats. We referred to our threat hunting services as Threat Hunting + Response (TH+R), and our initial engagement began in 2012.

It all started when one of our customers, a multibillion-dollar global company, experienced a persistent threat that was taking down multiple network domains. The persistent threat was hard to get rid of, and the customer reached out to us for help. Our Co-Founder Landon Lewis brought a 10-year history of building and managing network sensors. At that time, network security monitoring was the term commonly used to describe the high-fidelity collection, analysis, and threat hunting and detection brought into a customer environment. Landon developed our first sensor, which shed light on the larger attack that the company was experiencing. Once we were able to increase network visibility and see a full picture, we went to work to contain the attack. After this first engagement, the customer asked if we could continue to monitor the networks, and we worked to develop our 24/7 fully managed security offering announced in 2017. 

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services

While organizations need an experienced CISO to drive critical initiatives and oversee their security programs, not every organization has the budget for a full-time, top-level CISO.

With decades of experience in security consulting and advisory services, Pondurance delivers a vCISO service that applies expertise where it is needed most.

Ron Pelletier portrait

Incident Response Planning

Pondurance can help your organization to review and develop security incident response plans to ensure that your procedures are comprehensive, actionable and robust. Our methodology ensures that you have incident response plans that cover:



Establish management commitment, organizational accountability and allocation of resources to prepare.



Identify and detect an incident as soon as possible.



Develop procedures to help contain damage and restore affected systems to their normal operating state.



Help develop procedures focused on the removal of threats for infected systems. Pondurance may recommend eradication procedures that are designated for internal execution and others that may be best executed by third parties (i.e., forensic analysis, memory scraping and analysis, system cleaning, etc.).



Develop procedures that provide a basis of recovery for minimum or normal operations.



Develop a process for validating the plan, facilitating tabletop exercises and adopting a lessons learned process from real-world events.

Security Testing

Pondurance offers external and internal testing. External testing is designed to represent the visibility and access that an external threat would have and is performed from the Pondurance Penetration Testing laboratory. Internal testing is designed to represent a malicious insider or attacker who has gained a foothold into the network via techniques such as phishing, malware or stolen credentials. The combination of these two methodologies provides enhanced insight into an organization’s defenses.

Penetration Testing

Information gathering

Perform comprehensive discovery and enumeration procedures to target pertinent internal address ranges. Establish a baseline of services to manually test for common configuration issues and vulnerabilities.

Verification and manual testing

Review and validate all identified vulnerabilities to remove false positives. Human-driven manual testing procedures are executed to identify flaws not easily identified with automated tools. Penetration Testing is performed against identified vulnerabilities to evaluate the effectiveness of security controls. 

Vulnerability discovery

Perform detailed security analysis and vulnerability scanning using a comprehensive suite of tools.

Application Security Testing


Dynamic application testing​

Pondurance performs detailed application security analysis and vulnerability scanning using a comprehensive suite of tools. The testing encompasses the various tiers of the application architecture to provide a deep assessment of critical applications. Areas of testing include, but are not limited to:


  • OWASP Top 10
  • Verification and manual testing


Static application security testing (SAST)

Pondurance will analyze your application source code, byte code and binaries for coding and design conditions that are indicative of security vulnerabilities. Our SAST services analyze an application from the “inside out” in a nonrunning state via:
  • Information gathering and isolation
  • Automated methods verification and manual review

Red Team Exercise (Physical Penetration Testing)

Pondurance can help validate both digital and physical security to ensure that your organization has a clear understanding of risk. Whether the engagement begins with spear-phishing an employee or attempting to enter facilities, we’ll first discuss all scenarios with you during a rules of engagement meeting. This discussion ensures that your expectations will be met and our techniques are approved.

Some in-scope procedures for the physical Penetration Testing include:

  • Covert facility surveillance
  • Attempts to gain unauthorized entry (RFID cloning, lock picking, etc.)
  • Secure access via tailgating
  • Credential forgery/impersonation
  • Unauthorized access to sensitive materials
  • Clean desk check

A System That Delivers

Cybersecurity technology has improved, but bad actors continue to evolve. The requirements for effective cyber defense have grown beyond traditional data and system security solutions. What worked five years ago no longer covers the complexity of modern threats. As threat actors develop new ways to expose vulnerabilities and exploit businesses, cybersecurity teams are stretched to keep their organizations safe, stable and resilient against attacks. At Pondurance, it’s our job to know the threat so we can provide you with the best service and protection.

Threat Hunting

In the realm of cybersecurity, threat hunting emerges as a specialized practice essential for proactive defense against cyber threats. Unlike reactive approaches, which respond to incidents after they occur, threat hunting involves actively seeking out potential threats before they disrupt operations or compromise resources. This proactive stance aims to minimize dwell time and prevent potential impacts on information systems and sensitive data.

Among the myriad cybersecurity companies offering services, proactive threat hunting remains a distinctive specialization. Pondurance stands out prominently in this domain, prioritizing threat hunting as a core aspect of its managed detection and response services. With a keen focus on informed security practices, Pondurance’s cybersecurity experts actively delve into networks, systems, and applications to detect and mitigate potential threats that automated systems might miss. This human-driven approach adds a crucial layer of defense to their cybersecurity posture, reducing cyber risk and enhancing overall security resilience.

Effective threat hunting relies not only on skilled security teams but also on advanced tools and technologies. Just as a craftsman relies on quality tools to perfect their work, threat hunters require sophisticated platforms to augment their methodologies. By leveraging cutting-edge threat hunting tools, organizations can enhance their cyber threat assessment capabilities and bolster their cyber risk management strategy.

In the landscape of threat hunting tools, platforms equipped with machine learning algorithms, advanced data visualization, and seamless integration options have proven to be invaluable assets for security teams. These tools empower cybersecurity professionals to identify and respond to potential threats more effectively, ultimately reducing cyber risk and fortifying the organization’s security posture.

In conclusion, partnering with a cybersecurity provider like Pondurance, which prioritizes active threat hunting and deploys best-in-class tools, is not just advantageous—it’s imperative. In an era of evolving cybersecurity threats and escalating risks, organizations must adopt proactive measures to stay ahead of potential threats and safeguard their sensitive data and information systems against data breaches and cyberattacks.

Threat Hunting Techniques

Threat hunting is not just a buzzword in the cybersecurity space; it has transformative implications in the realm of modern information security. Fundamental to threat hunting techniques is the proactive stance – a dramatic shift from the passive, reactive methods of traditional security systems. The best threat hunting techniques leverage a mix of advanced technology, sharp analytical capabilities, and an in-depth understanding of the hacker’s mindset. This requires security professionals to make educated assumptions, posing a strategic threat hunting hypothesis to proactively find malicious activity.

Diving deeper into the intriguing world of threat hunting in cybersecurity, one might ask, “what is threat hunting?” Simply put, it is the process of proactively and relentlessly searching for malware or attackers lurking undiscovered in a network. This technique is incredibly crucial for organizations looking to close the breach detection gap and mitigate potential damage in a timely manner.

Pondurance, an authoritativeness when it comes to threat hunting, is an exemplar in the industry. Unlike several cybersecurity firms that rely solely on automated responses to threats, Pondurance prioritizes active threat hunting.

Within the broad scope of cyber threat hunting, several common threat hunting techniques are used by professionals to ensure the highest level of protection. One such technique is the use of Threat Hunting Hypotheses, which takes into consideration known vulnerabilities and creates predictive models for identifying potential threats. This method relies heavily on the amalgamation of threat intelligence, behavioral analytics, and deep investigation.

Other techniques include conducting system sweeps to identify potentially harmful processes, lateral movement detection to identify inconsistencies in normal user behavior, and performing traffic analysis to highlight unusual network behavior. However, the sophistication of these techniques often requires a proficient understanding of cyber ecosystems, which is provided by cybersecurity companies like Pondurance.

To contextualize further, Pondurance incorporates threat hunting into their services, with the objective to operationalize threat intelligence. This enables them to not only protect and detect but also efficiently respond to threats. Their centralized focus lies in safeguarding their client’s infrastructure by actively searching for anomalies, assessing threat patterns, and diagnosing potential vulnerabilities.

To achieve this level of efficiency, Pondurance uses advanced cyber threat hunting methodologies to manage and mitigate cyber risks effectively. These methodologies usually involve an intersection of human expertise, strategic use of threat intelligence, automated solutions, and an understanding of the client’s system to predict potential vulnerabilities. The integration of these methodologies helps to align threat hunting activities with the risk management goals of the client, thereby ensuring that the clients are not only protected but are also prepared to respond to any threats optimally.

In conclusion, threat hunting makes up a significant and proactive part of a reliable cybersecurity strategy. By identifying potential threats before they become actual attacks, organizations can maintain their security posture and avert breaches. Leveraging common threat hunting techniques and methodologies aids in the formation of a comprehensive cybersecurity system. Service providers like Pondurance are instrumental in this regard, helping companies to operationalize threat intelligence and ensure they are well-equipped to detect, respond, and safeguard against potential threats.

In conclusion, the progressive leap from passive security measures to proactive threat hunting signifies a pivotal shift in the cybersecurity landscape. As threat landscapes continue to evolve, proactively seeking out potential threats before they can be exploited is proving to be the most effective line of defense against various cyber threats.

Threat Hunting Framework

Delving into the specialized domain of cyber threat hunting underscores the significance of adopting a methodical and intelligent framework. These frameworks offer comprehensive strategies designed to proactively detect and mitigate advanced threats, enabling organizations to stay ahead of potential cyber risks and mitigate potential impacts on their information systems and sensitive data.

Among the various frameworks available, the open-source approach stands out for its emphasis on shared knowledge and collaboration among cybersecurity teams globally. By leveraging collective intelligence, this framework facilitates a synchronized effort to enhance cyber defense capabilities on a global scale, ultimately reducing cyber risk and fortifying security postures.

A prominent example of a practical tool within this framework is the MITRE threat hunting framework, renowned for its ATT&CK model. By providing a repository of adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures, MITRE empowers threat hunters to simulate adversarial behavior and anticipate cyber threats, thereby bolstering cyber resilience.

Similarly, the threat hunting framework established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) prioritizes a risk-based approach, offering comprehensive guidelines for organizations to identify, protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. This structured approach enables tech companies to establish robust cybersecurity infrastructures capable of thwarting potential cyber-attacks effectively.

Taking sophistication to the next level, pinnacle threat hunting frameworks conceptualize threat hunting as a continuous process with distinct stages such as collection, analysis, hypothesis, action, and learning. This iterative approach facilitates ongoing monitoring and learning, enhancing the overall efficacy of cybersecurity programs and reducing cyber risk.

Demonstrating the practical application of threat hunting frameworks, Pondurance integrates threat intelligence into its services, operationalizing threat hunting to enhance protection, detection, and response mechanisms for its clients. By incorporating threat hunting into their cybersecurity strategy, Pondurance strengthens the cybersecurity posture of organizations, making them less vulnerable to cyber threats and more resilient in the face of evolving cyber risks.

In summary, threat hunting frameworks offer organizations a systematic and comprehensive approach to combating advanced cyber threats. By equipping them with the tools and methodologies to detect, respond to, and mitigate cyber risks effectively, these frameworks have the potential to transform cybersecurity strategies, empowering organizations to become more proactive and resilient against cyber threats in today’s evolving threat landscape.