The Value of MDR During the Pandemic.

My name is Steve Long, and I am the President and CEO of Hancock Health and Hancock Regional Hospital here in Greenfield, Indiana.

As we went into the pandemic, it was very comforting to know that we had the relationship prebuilt with Pondurance and that they were our partners, watching over our information systems, because our entire focus was placed on taking care of people that were suffering through COVID-19. And in fact, that overtook everything that we do as a hospital. 

And then, when we began to get the messages from the FBI and others saying, Hey, beware, there are many attacks that are happening to healthcare organizations around the country and around the world. You know, I was not nearly as frightened as people probably thought we should be because I knew that we had Pondurance with us and that we had built for ourselves, I think, among the very best defenses of anyone out there. So just know that everything that we went through set us up in a perfect spot to go through the global pandemic.

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